About Chilly Mates

As an avid NFT collector and seller, you understand how crucial it is to have your collection seen and appreciated by others. That’s where Chilly Mates print shop comes in! With its top-notch services and top-of-the-line equipment, the print shop is the perfect place to bring your NFT collection to life. Not only can you showcase your digital art to a broader audience, but you can do so in a way that’s tangible and visually stunning. 

Chilly Mates offers a wide variety of printing options, including high-quality T-shirts, Hoodies, Tote bags etc…, ensuring that your artwork stands out and captures the attention of anyone who lays their eyes on it. Additionally, by providing real-world products, you can offer your fans something they can hold onto and cherish for years to come.

 So, what are you waiting for? Bring your NFT collection to the next level with Chilly Mates!

Start sell with us

Do you want to start sell your NFT artworks on prints with us and get passive income?

Chilly Mates offers NFT artists and NFT projects to join our platform for free! You can add five products of your choice from our product list and start earning from each sale with us!